I've been working on unfinished projects this week!...And I think I'm getting things accomplished!...Everyday is unknown as to what I'll creatively get done if any...Being the mother of an ACTIVE 2 year old boy will definitely keep you on your toes...I can get one room cleaned and go to another and by the time I get back to the first room it is a wreck again...I can make my bed up with my coverlet all wrinkle free and come back 1 minute later and Luke is in the middle of the bed laughing.... And there goes the wrinkle free coverlet because before I can grab him he has the entire coverlet wadded up....No wonder my days are like 3 days of housework in one....And at nap time somedays I just sit like a slug....No one touching me, crawling on me,pulling on me, calling me....Just me and the sound of the fan running!!...HA!
I wake up every morning thinking today is the day that I'm going to get something creative accomplished today...Well, it has happened!!...I did it!!..I finished the order I've had for weeks!!..I stayed up to 5:00 am to get it finished...So you know what that means!?!...It's time for simple goodes to be made for "SIMPLE GOODES STITCHED BY JENNIFER"....That is the plan for after Luke goes to bed tonight and as long as he stays in the bed...And I stay off the computer!!...Cross your fingers!!
I've been working on my mantle this week...I'm never satisfied with it...I'm not sure why...I may be for a week or two and then I start wanting to change it...I bought 2 quilt/blanket cranes and Tim put one at the end of my peg rail....I love it!!!...I hung a textile runner on it and a small shaker basket...And there are my 3 plates I bought a while back and added under the sampler... I'm not sure about the clock yet, but it will stay for a while I think...It adds some blue amongst all the deep red...How did everything end up black and deep red on my mantle....I need to get me a rosehip garland to swag or some dried flowers to hang...But here it is so far...
I love these little reproduction redware plates...

Or this arrangement with my new candle holder and new battery candle...Speaking of battery candles....I've been purchasing them off an
one since Christmas from Karen of KM Primitives..http://www.kmprimitives.com/ and My Colonial Home
blog http://mycolonialhome.blogspot.com/.....So one day soon I'm going to go around and take pics of all my candles in the places I've put them....

But until I find a better place for the clock then I think I will stick with this arrangement for this week anyway....Stay tuned!!...LOL
And this is in the master bathroom right now.....For now anyway....We'll see.....If I decide to leave it there then I will show you....
Until next time....Time to go eat dinner!!!...hugs,Jen
Your mantel looks Great!! I'm sure your days are full with a lot of help. How good it must make you feel to accomplish something you want to do. Hope the rest of your week is as productive as today.
Hugs, Bren
I love the way you decorate!!
I'm just lovin'that lamp on the end table too....did you say that was for my birthday that's coming up??
Oh,thank you! That's so sweet of ya!! :) LOL!!
Have a great evening!
Everything looks perfect as usual. I can't wait to see the simple goode!
hugs, judy
Your house looks great. No one would ever know you had a little one running about. Keep the photos coming. I really enjoy your blog. Take care.
I love that blanket crane! I don't know if I've ever seen one that you can hang from a peg rack before. Everything you do looks wonderful! Dawn
Beautiful Jen!!!!! I have never seen a crane....and those candle holders wow!!!!!!
Looks beautiful, Jen!
Primperfect :)
Jen, I just love visiting your blog! Your new mantle arrangement is awesome. I keep changing things on my mantle too...so I just love seeing how others do their's! Yours is gorgeous!
I love how you decorate. Everything is always so tastefully complete and prim perfect!! Oh, trust me, I know all about trying to get things done with a 2 year old. Yep, it can be quite a challenge to say the least. It is a never-ending job!!
Jen, you have given me lots of ideas for my mantel...I have such a hard time decorating it. Most times I have it too busy. I love the simple way that you decorated, it's perfect! Reading about Luke took me back in time remembering my children when they were little. I can't wait to see the new projects you will be working on. Blessings, pam
Good morning Jen,
your creativity amazes me with having a little guy around all day long. You get more done that way than I do with no one around.
Love what you did with the mantel...and I'm loving the blanket crane.
Your home is going to be just delicious in the CS magazine layout.
Thanks for the PLUG kiddo!!!
Hugs, Karen
I love the mantel, you aways pick such lovely things! I don't know how everything looks so good with an active wee one tearing about!
I love what you've done with your mantel. It looks great.
I also like the candleholder on your end table. Very cute!
Have a great day,
Jen ~
Exquisite as always. I cannot wait to see your home in pictures. I love that blanket crane ~ I've never seen one hung from a peg rack. Where did you ever find it? Have a wonderful week.
Your mantel looks just beautiful Jen and I really don't know how you do it with a two year old...I remember those days:)
Keep up the great work that you do in your home:)
Evrything looks great. I think mantels are the hardest to decorate, I know I have a hard time
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