But first I want to introduce you to the newest member of the family..This is Tillie...I just got her this week...I got her from Mona of My Old Crow Primitives on Lemon Poppyseeds.....She fits in perfectly with my other primitive folk dolls...Taylor doesn't share my enthusiasm for my dolls...But I LOVE introducing her to them when I get them..ha!...Sometimes they peek around her bedroom door and wave at her..ha!ha!

This is what I've been up to besides x-stitching...Now they have to be taken outside and splattered with black paint and then brought back in to be stained and varnished...Hopefully that will be done this week...I would like to have my table back!!!

Guess what came in yesterday??!!!???...My 2010 calendar and Jill Peterson's "The Settlement" book....Did you hear me gasp when I took them out of the box???....They are AWESOME!!!....Such eye candy!!

This is the calendar my sweet friend, Lori Ann, sent me for 2009 that I've been enjoying all year....

The 2010 calendar....I got them from Jen (Just Country Happenings blog)...Most were already taken, but she had a few available....

And when I found out Millie Huckaby's house was in this beautiful book I knew I had to have it...I will definitely be getting the first one also called "The Homestead"....A must in your collection!!!

Here is a glimpse at 2 of the pages....

And can I contain my excitement!!!???!!!...Months back Mr. taylors* farmhouse (ha!ha! I had to explain the name to him because my sweet husband does read my blog and I wanted to join in renaming our husbands like I've been reading on other blogs)...Anyway, Mr. taylors*farmhouse bought a dvd recorder that tapes things from a tape to a dvd...So last night he got out my tapes that I had all my favorite parts saved from the HGTV Country at Home and Mary Emmerling episodes and copied them all onto dvd's....I sat and watched some today as it was copying while Mr. taylors*farmhouse went to get us something to eat....I also had hour long episodes of shows of Shaker houses, log cabins, and farmhouses....I can't wait to sit some afternoons or evenings and just watch one primitive home after another...I thought the tapes would ruin, but now the hour after hour of my taping was saved...And what a treat it will be!!!!
That is all I have for now!!...I need to get to x-stitching!!..I have pork shops in the crock pot and I made a hashbrown casserole for dinner....YUM! YUM!
Oh, I finished a new x-stitch sampler that I will put on my selling blog maybe tomorrow evening...So be sure to check back if interested...
Until next time!!!...hugs, Jen
Wow, Jenn ~
You have sure been busy painting boxes! I have ordered the new book but haven't gotten yet ~ I'm so excited to get it. I love your new prim addition to your family ~ I hope Tillie doesn't scare Taylor too much. Simon always tells me I'm making voodoo dolls but he does like them around the house.
Oh my word Jen!! What are you going to do with all those stacking boxes?? You sure did score a lot of them!
Your books look great but I am mostly jealous of the DVD's. I used to have a lot of Country at Home on video but I gave those video's to the mom of my cancer buddy. I should have copied them first!! Enjoy sitting and watching yours!!
Jen, does Taylor let out a scream or just tell Mom and doll to go away? LOL!
My, you have been mighty busy with all of those boxes! I'm sure you were delighted when you finished painting.
I'm going to look into those books. I just LOVE books!
Love your new dollie..too funny about your daughter!! My sisters are so creeped out over my prim dolls, I say the uglier the better!! Thanks for the tip on the book, I will be sure to get it now!
could you tell me where to get these calendars. my email is popsr@bellsouth.net. thanks. I love your home, I could move in anytime...
The calender is really neat. I love that you saved those episodes. My one complete with those HGTV shows is the style is always so modern now.
Hey Jen - Do you think your hubby would make one of those DVD's for me? I didn't have satellite back when those shows aired so I've never seen ANY of them and they sound wonderful! I could pay you for it, or perhaps send a goodie in return? Please think about it and let me know, okay?
Can't wait to see what you do with those stacking boxes! Love your new calendar and your newest member to the family! ~~Annie
Jenn, What a great idea to have those old tapes copied to DVD's.
Why oh why can't they do shows like that again?
I have been to Millie's shop about 6 years ago. It was wonderful and she was so friendly to talk to. I remember seeing her cabin on Country at Home too.
Hey Jen.....where have you all been eating??!! Oh my gosh...all those boxes. Splatter away!! The books look great. I've never seen them before. I loved Country at Home on HGTV and was sorry they took it off. They used to have a lot of good shows on there but I'm not interested in hardly any of them anymore. Get to work!! Anxious to see what is going on the selling blog next!
Hi Jen....guess we can cll you the energizer bunny!
Oh I love those books but don't have them...one of these days though.
You are in box overload there kiddo. Now I need to see finished boxes soon....
Jen, glad you have Jill's new book, I have both and love them, and also have the same calendar's, and wish I had thought about putting the "Country at Home series on dvd. who knew, I loved the ones that Mary Emerling did as well as the gal that took her place, now there isn't anything that good to watch on there. If you ever get around to copying them I would love to buy the episodes from you.
All those boxes, you are one busy gal.
Love your doll. soo kewl.
Hi Jen-Love to read your blog and your house. How do I order a copy of the new book the settlement?
My e-mail is alanna@consolidated.net
Thanks! Alanna from Pa.
Enjoy sitting and watching yours!!
Work from home India
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