Tim spray painted the candle stick...It is the same one I got at Myrtle Beach last April and it was red...I put some evergreen mixture in it that I got from my sweet friend, Karen (KM Primitives), back after she had her show in November...along with a battery candle I also got from Karen...
I put a quilt scrap in a frame...I have one of my blue painted boxes on the bottom stack...I put cough drops and chocolates I want to hide in it...(oops, Mr. taylors*farmhouse*attic reads my blog...).. my needle boxes I make on top along with my needles pinkeep...and finally a small candle...
Then I have a bowl of hearts and scraps of blue quilts and a piece of coverlet in a wooden bowl...Who says Valentine's has to be red??!!??~~hugs, Jen

Good Morning Jenn, that looks so nice,prim and cozy! I am trying to do better at organizing my supplies .....it so easy to get out of control when the creative juices are flowing! Beth
what a peaceful place to sit & stitch...do you have room for me?
Lori from Notforgotten Farm
Hi Jen, Everything looks so comfy and organized. I can see how you just keep stitching along in your work area....very inviting!
Such a cozy spot. I may have trouble staying awake long enough to stitch. It looks beautiful.
very nice. i have 2 baskets beside my recliner one for stitching and one for knitting,lol!!
Love the wood bowl with the quilt fabric and hearts, really cozy place to stitch:)
My side table is in between my chair and Dear Hubby's. And he does not share well! Beautiful, peaceful spot, you have.
Looks very comfy cozy! I know it is easy to make a mess. I usually keep my stuff in a bag but it ends up sprawled on my lap and whatever else is near! Enjoy your new space!
Love your little work area...and yes, when you are cozy, it's easy to fall asleep! Watch out for dropped needles! lol I, too, usually have a pile of patterns and projects that I shift from my chair work area to my sewing work area. It gets to be too much to bring back and forth. I'm going to have to reorganize too!
Perfect spot for relaxing and creating! I love the quilt scraps!
Nice and cozy!
Happy stitching!
Love your pictures, always everything looks nice and prim perfect!
Hi Jenn,
looks nice and prim and cozy!!It looks so organized!! Can't wait wait to see more of your stitching!!!
Hillcrest home Prims
Jen what a beautiful peaceful place to relax and do your sewing and readng.
Thanks for sharing.
Cozy place to work and we all need a candy stash!
Your work area looks so cozy! What a nice environment to "work." I'm sure it makes it even more enjoyable.
Happy New Year! May it be filled with blessings & joy!
Cute place to sew. I think every woman that sews has her special little place with the family. Like the little pillow that says needles.
How pretty and cozy. It makes me want to sit down with a good book.
Wow! been skimming through your blog and what a lovely home! i love all your prims! will be back to visit more! :)
What a neat little work area! I would love to have a place like that to sit down and relax in such a warm and cozy little spot. Especially with a stash of chocolate! I never thought about hiding some candy in my boxes. The kids always seem to find candy that I stash away-- well not anymore! You've inspired me to do the same thing. I love sitting in my rocking chair by the fire but I don't have a little table or stand beside me. Hmm... I wonder what I can some up with.
Thanks for the inspiration!!
I love all your prims. The quilt scrap in the frame is just adorable!
I love your work area...can I come and visit with you? I'll bring my crochet bag with me.
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