January 30, 2011

New Changes...........

Ok....I'm not sure about this...I don't like change...That is why you don't see many changes on my blog other than new pictures...I like it simple and plain...Just plain and primitive...But my daughter decided i need to change it up a bit....I'm NOT sure about it...But maybe it will grow on me or you will see alot of changes til i get it the way i like it.~~hugs, Jen


Kris ~ Simply Prim said...

I like this format, Jen. Sometimes blogs get too ornamental and can be distracting, especially the ones that have those attachments that sometimes covers over the words and you can't read them very well. But that's just my opinion! lol
I really like your font. Which one is it? It looks like normal handwriting.

Take care!


Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

I love it too! I have been thinking of something simple as well!!

Unknown said...

Hey Jen,
I think it looks awesome.
I love the way you you made it wider.
And the font is neat!!
Ive seen some other blogs that have changed their blogs to cool fonts.
I havent figured out how to do that yet.
I can change the posts through Live Writer but not the sides.

I did something one time through cutest blog on block blog. But to be honest, on my computer I cant tell Ive done anything different.

Sorry, Im babbling again (LOL)...

I think your changes look great!!
Take Care,

Peggy Lee said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this font! Can I borrow your daughter for tech support?

simple~needs said...

i love it!!! how do you do it?? you are going to be a trendsetter-again!!!! :)

LibbiesHome said...

The new format looks great to me! I like the simplicity of it. And like everyone else I am now suffering from font envy. :)

Maria said...

Lovely! : )

Ladybug said...

Love Plain and Simple too...

Warm Blessings
Take Care....Trish

busybee said...

looks fantastic & the font is so cool!

Sabrina @Falling Leaf Woodworkers and Primitives said...

it looks great, love the font and the simple look. Great Job

Green Creek Primitives said...

I like your new look, it has a very simple and appealing style. You can get to fussy with a blog. Primitives are suppose to be simple and down to earth, and wecolming your vistor to come on in to sit awhile. Vicky

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

Hi, Jen
I like it!

jennifer768 said...

I love it ! Hugs,Jen

Angi at drakestone primitives country cabin said...

Hi Jen
OH MY I love the new look and also the banner..I think these kind are fab..love the font too..change is sometimes good but I know what you mean..XX

AngieSH said...

looking good to me Jen!!!

Karen ~ Life In A Primitive English Cottage said...

Hi Jen, Lovin' the new look! I like things to be plain and simple looking, I find it much easier on the eye.
Have a great week,

Simply Shelley said...

Looks good...I like it...change is good sometime.... :)
Blessings on your week...Shelley

Laura :) said...

I love it!! Tell your daughter she was right, lol!

Laura :)

A Primitive Homestead said...

It looks good & I like it. Blessings!

Anonymous said...

I love it...!

My Colonial Home said...

I'm so afraid I'll loose everything! lol


Elizabeth said...

Your site is perfect. I hope you'll get a chance to stop by mine in the near future. I've set up to be a follower! Thanks for sharing your life and shop with us!

Y1M said...
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Y1M said...


PLEASE - PLEASE - PLEASE keep it. I love this look right here. Simple, wonderful colors, and easy to read. Perfect!!!

Hug 2 U!