I wanted to share my stack of early blue 1800's fabrics that I collect...It is getting taller....
Have a blessed Sunday!~~hugs, Jen
Too many pictures on blog?...Does it look too busy?....Would you like to have them in a slide show instead? Both Tim and Taylor have commented on it being too busy....Your thoughts?????
What do I do when I run out of room on my work table?...Well, I remove the board from off my sink and make myself a make-do work table....
These are boxes that will go in a few sewing boxes I will offer on my selling blog after I finish up my sampler orders....Hopefully next week or the next!
Have a great Saturday my friends!!!~~hugs, Jen
Awww! My wooden bowl of needfuls i have sitting by my stitching chair...All in early blue 1800's fabric....It soothes a soul and brings a smile to my face!!! My pinkeep I put my needles in, my scissors, and my glasses....I **heart** little displays like this of needful things...
Have a blessed Friday, my friends!!!~~hugs, Jen
Yep! I have 2 new samplers in my home...They are Lori's designs of Norforgotten Farm that she came out with last year....I'm always behind on getting new patterns stitched....And these are big....With the frame included they measure 17 1/4" by 17 1/4".....
I'm so ready for a new look around here....It's been a hard year....
So, what are you all up to this week??? Talk to me!!!lol
~~hugs, Jen
Oh, what are you doing at 3:48 in the morning? Well, I'm re-decorating..lol....Or decluttering...I've been wanting to move all those boxes on my sideboard/buffet to try a more cleaner look....So, while I was chatting back and forth with my friend, Lori Triplett, on Facebook I decided tonight was the night... I started moving the boxes and now you can see my favorite salt glaze pottery candlesticks so much better...I like it for now...And then, of course, you have to start dusting also...
Overlook the brown paper bag (holding the rosehip) hanging from the fireplace....I think I may hang some dried herbs from there....
Off to see what else I can do before I go to bed....ugh!..What I could accomplish if I didn't have to sleep..lol
Goodnight or good morning...
~~hugs, Jen
Hi everyone..I just added a few samplers on my selling blog...I didn't get as much done today as i was planning on, so I will add some more things tomorrow...
~~hugs, Jen
Hi everyone!...Are you enjoying your summer? It will be over here in a month when the kids go back to school...Ugh! Yeah, it's almost that time again...But that means that Fall will be here soon....Or at least i keep trying to convince myself of that when it's 100 outside..lol
So, I'm going to start offering some Fall items on my selling blog...I've been busy working on them for several weeks now along with non- seasonal samplers...
Yesterday I painted, sanded, and stained 22 frames...It was so hot out, but it had to be done..lol...So, now they are waiting for samplers to be put in them...Yeah, the fun part!
I'm also working on some sewing boxes, pillows,pinkeeps, etc.....So I will start adding some things tomorrow night...
Have a restful evening...I hear my evenweave and needle calling my name...lol
~~hugs, Jen