Hi everyone...I'm so sorry I've been away for so long....I've been busy with getting Luke back in school, getting use to a new routine, and sleep schedule....And other things going on that I will share at another time....But I wanted to jump on here and share my new Fall Sampler...
Last year I did "Autumn in Grundy Co, Tn".....Lankford Town is an area in Grundy Co and is where a bunch of my Lankford ancestors lived....This sampler started out one way and ended up this way...lol...That is how my sampler making goes...It measures 16" x 20"...So it is BIG!....I will try to get it charted as soon as I can for a pattern...I will let you know when it is available and the price...
Off to work on some final orders....hugs,Jen
A cupboard sampler I just finished up....I got an order for it this week....Clara is her grandmother's name w/ date....I hope she likes it!!!!
I have added 2 new Fall Sampler Pillows to my selling blog.......
~~hugs, Jen
Well, good morning...It is 4:41 here and i wanted to get these sewing boxes on my Simple Goodes blog before i headed off to bed in a bit....If you have a moment, then head over and check them out....Thanks so much, and you all have a wonderful Saturday....Be on the lookout for some more things added if i can get them finished later today....After i get some sleep, of course....lol
~~hugs, Jen
Hi everyone!.....I hope you are weathering the heat and humidity...It is almost unbearable here in Georgia....We even got up to 103 this week...School starts back a week from Monday, so these are our last summer days...
I have finished up all my orders for the "summer special" samplers I was offering on my blog, EXCEPT for the two new orders i got yesterday....I will get to them soon...
But, I'm now working on the items that have been piled on my sewing table waiting for my attention...I'm finishing up some sewing boxes that i've worked on this summer...And you might just see some early blue fabric in them...hmmmm!! Maybe!
Along with some samplers and small items....I'm also going to have an "early Fall special offer" to get a jump start on your Fall decorating...So be looking for it....
I've also spent some time sketching some Fall sampler ideas...So, lets see if they can materialize with needle and fabric....We'll see!
So, if I didn't have to sleep then i could get all the things I want to get done...lol...
So keep checking back this weekend...~~hugs, Jen
Dreaming of Autumn.......
~~hugs, Jen