My 4 great grandmother is Ellender Choate Sitz...She was 8 years old in 1809....She was Native American....Very little is known about her unfortunately, but I won't give up searching....I stitched this SIMPLE sampler in her honor....
A few things have been added to my selling blog....
Hi everyone! Wow! I was having a hard time loading pics tonight...I've never had that problem before....
Anyway...This is Settler's Crossin' Primitives....It is a wonderful primitive shop and the staff are so friendly....I sold my goodes on the back porch this weekend underneath shade trees....It was so quaint and peaceful!!! I had so many blog followers and facebook friends come by and visit that i felt like a celebrity for a day....My daughter was so amazed by all the excitement and enjoyed herself chatting with everyone....We both enjoyed hanging out with Dana and Ann Kuehn....It was a delightful girls day!!!!
So, if you ever get a chance to go to Ridge Spring, S. Carolina, then you definitely need to go by and pick you up some wonderful primitive goodes....The ladies are just delightful and a pleasure to spend the day with...
I did bring some things back and will be listing some things on my selling blog....I will also be getting some new things completed that i have on my work table...
It was so much fun to have a girl's day and we plan on having another one very soon.....:)
I want to THANK everyone who came and introduced themselves to me and chatted with us....You made the day extra special!!!!
Soon, I will share a few goodies i brought home with me...I was good because i hope to be going back very soon....:)
Until next time....hugs, Jen
No pics this time....Just wanted to let you know the car is packed...Taylor and I did it ourselves...It's a girl's trip....Taylor took the day off and we are picking up Dana (Homespun Treasures By Dana blog)......What started out as a table and 5 wooden crates kind of grew....I got an antique ironing board, ladderback chair, 2 extra crates, and 2 folding chairs in there also....All wrapped in quilts....All in my Mitsubishi....I only hope and pray I can remember how I packed it to bring it
You all have a great Saturday!!! ~~hugs, Jen
Well, the final day has arrived.....It's time to finish up and pack the vehicle....I've chosen to use my table I have in the gathering room and 5 wooden crates as my display....This was a great undertaking with trying to finish my orders and preparing for this gathering...Along with trying to decide how to do my display since it has been so long since I've done a show...But i LOVE the running around, the "I've GOT to get this DONE today" lists, and just the craziness of preparing for one....I also forgot how exhausting it nights and early mornings!
But I wanted to take a few pics of my table....Even with lights on it is still dark, so i hope you can kind of get the idea...
Tomorrow, or should I say later today....It's 3:32 am....I will price everything and get it packed for the journey to Ridge Spring, S.Carolina...
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!! I have some special things planned for my selling blog soon....So, as soon as I get back I will have time to be on here more....:)
Good Thursday afternoon everyone!....I wanted to pop in and share some wonderful fragrances our Walmart sells.....My sister gave me one for Christmas and then she messaged me a couple weeks ago and told me they were out again...At our Walmart, they are in our Fall decor section...And they are so yummy smelling...
Usually i buy my tarts online...But I thought I'd try a few last week...I got blueberry and cranberry chutney last week...I haven't tried the blueberry yet, but the Cranberry Chutney was soooooo good smelling and that one tart lasted 2 days...
So today i thought I'd try:
ginger spice cake
warm autumn welcome
sugared vanilla shortbread
butterscotch maple cream
cinnamon and spice
& simmering apple cider......
And at ***$2**** a 6-pack....Well, you can really stock up on them while they have them....I plan on stocking up my tart supply each week when grocery shopping...
Hmmmmm! Now which one to try today???? It's so hard to pick...I think I will put a butterscotch maple cream in the dining room and sugared vanilla shortbread in the kitchen....:)
Have a great afternoon!!!~~hugs, Jen
Hi everyone...I'm so sorry I've been away from my blog so much lately....Between Luke starting school, orders, and getting ready for a wonderful Fall gathering here on Sept 24th....I've been extremely busy!!!!
I was asked by Ann Kuehn from Strawbroom Primitives to come and demonstrate x-stitching samplers and selling my goodes at her new shop (Settler's Crossin' Primitives) in Ridge Spring, S. Carolina...So we finally have another primitive shop here in the GOODNESS!! You northern friends don't know how envious we are of all your Fall and Christmas gatherings when we have very few shops here in the south...
So, I'm excited and nervous as I haven't done anything like this since before Luke was born in 2006....I do miss it!! The music, atmosphere, and primitive friends...So, if you can come, then come on...Ann said they will have the back porch all decorated for me...She is so sweet! And there will be lots of other demonstrators there on the grounds depending on the weather...So, if you come by be sure to come introduce yourself to me...I'd love to meet you!!!!!
Also, from my time away from the computer I have accumulated 70+ emails....Please know that I'm not ignoring you and I will answer every one of them...I'm so sorry for the delay!!!
Time to get dinner started...You all have a wonderful evening!!~~big hugs! Jen