I'm working on orders now, but i wanted to share a sampler I finished a few weeks ago....** an out-of-print Goode Huswife design**As soon as it came out of the oven after baking it I said to myself "Awwwww!!! I'm keeping this one!!!" I stitched it on 22 ct over two threads, so it is much larger and fits perfectly in this 12 x 12 frame.... It took me many hours over several weeks to stitch, but so worth it!!!
I'm trying to make my house look like a stitcher lives here...lol...I usually sell most of what I stitch...Hope you like it!!!!
A sweet sampler in my personal collection that i stitched in 2005...I can't remember who the designer is...I will have to try and find the pattern....I switched frames and put it in one of the frames I just painted and antiqued recently....It's always been one of my favorites!!
Awww! Today is beautiful, sunny, and 80 degrees.....I wish every day could be like this!!! It's been a busy day with running around going to get groceries, post office, Luke back and forth to school....We're home and our weekend has begun...Luke doesn't have school on Fridays!
I wanted to pop in and share this new sampler I completed last week...It was designed by my sweet friend Nadia, who lives in Italy! It is amazing how our lives intertwine with people through the internet that we'd otherwise never know....How blessed I am to have "met" Nadia through her emails...
Hugs my friends! Jen
Hello friends! Yes, I'm still here...I needed to take some time away from blogging and focus on myself for a couple weeks....Sometimes life hands you a lemon and I had to spend some time making some lemonade....My lemon is the diagnoses of diabetes....While my first initial reaction was I wasn't going to tell anyone...That can be a lonely road and I know many suffer from this...My daddy has had it since he was in his 30's and I had gestational diabetes while I was pregnant with Luke 5 yrs ago...So, I was already aquainted with it....
I'm doing good! I have cut out all sugar and I must say that I feel better than I have in a long time...I have been able to control my levels with what I'm eating, but I opted for some medications to help me out to lose weight....The HARDEST thing for me is eating...I'm so use to not eating all day until dinner...I have had that lifestyle for years...Now, I have to eat breakfast...I have to eat lunch and snacks....That has been the biggest adjustment...I have to have something with me at all times because my sugar tends to go low....So, it is a big adjustment, but I'm managing it....
My daughter, Taylor, has even cut out all her sugar just for herself and to live healthier....I'm so proud of her...Sugar free chocolates are our indulgences when needed and we don't crave things like we use to...I actually wish I had started doing this years ago just for feeling better...
So, that is my path I'm traveling right now...Taking one day at a time, working on weight loss and loving every day!!!
In the meantime, I'm still working on a few orders, creating as usual with my normal routine, doing my household and motherly duties,etc...You know how it is...Moms are still needed no matter what is going on and at this time it hasn't been a big factor that I let stand out...
But I would like to hear from any of you that deal with this....Any delicious low carb recipes you enjoy that is diabetic friendly that you'd care to share with me?
I hope you all have a wonderful day...It's suppose to be 78 tomorrow...Spring time is near!!!
This long simple stitching sampler is now available.....$7 for e-pattern...$9 plus travel faire for mailed patterns....jltg5@aol.com
I've been wanting to offer some bigger samplers...I just added 3 on my selling blog with priority travel faire already included...I'm planning on many more!!
Valentine Sale on my Simple Goodes selling blog...I'm going ahead and marking them down, so you can have them to enjoy before Valentines if you purchase one instead of marking them down after Valentines Day....
I'm busy working on more samplers (3 almost ready) while listening to Luke and his speech teacher have speech in the gathering room...
It's a beautiful day here in Georgia today...Windows open....LOVE it!!
I want to welcome all my new followers that have joined...It always amazes me that you all keep coming back to see what I'm up to....I ALWAYS LOVE hearing from you when you message me with all your sweet comments...Thank you my friends!!
Until next time!!~~hugs, Jen