My Jenny and JoAnn Friendship Sampler/Book.....I hope to get this charted into a pattern in upcoming weeks....
Another one of Lee's designs from Falling Star Primitives that I just finished sewing together.....I love this one!!
New items added to selling blog!
DA DA DA DA!!!!!!
20 pounds lost!!!!!!
Hi everyone! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and a wonderful Easter...I wanted to share the new sampler I just completed this evening before i head off to bed...It is Lee's design of **Falling Star Primitives**....I've had it since last year and just now stitching it...Such a sweet sampler!!!
Spring break is officially over and it has made me ready for summer...My preschooler has 1 month of school left...YEAH!
Well, off to bed...Have a great Monday!!!~~hugs,Jen
I have had this sweet Stacy Nash peacock design on my work table since last year...So, today I started stitching up some things I have had on there with it and decided this needed to be a long pinkeep...So I made it into 13" pinkeep...And I LOVE IT!!!....I'm definitely going to make some more long pinkeeps...It also cuts down on my my favorite things to do...
Luke and I are really enjoying spring break....Taylor has been working all week, but Luke and I have been hanging out at home and enjoying not going anywhere and doing what we want...We're especially enjoying it after he had a stomach virus the first couple days of spring break...Yeah!Friday morning he got up and kept telling me his tummy was sick....Not a fun day...He had a few days of just wanting sprite and crackers after we saw that he could actually keep them down....Poor baby, but he is better now!
He just got back from a trip to toys-r-us with daddy....Granddad is sending him money, so he went and got the Joker's funhouse and Joker's van he has been wanting since they were having a buy one get one free sale.....I feel so protected with all these crime fighters in the house, but now he has brought Joker and Penguin
Well, I'm off to watch a movie with the family and stitch...I've been working on getting orders packaged up and sewing....
I hope you all are enjoying your week!!
hugs, Jen
It's after 2:00 am and I'm baking....But it's not edible....ha!
Hi everyone....It's spring break here this week...Luke and I are enjoying lazy days with not having to go anywhere...While he is playing with his batman cave, transformers, and many countless other action figures today I've been clearing off my work table to offer some to you....Early blue scraps, coverlet pinkeeps, etc in my Simple Goodes Selling Blog.....You might want to check it out and see if you like anything....
hugs, Jen