June 25, 2012

Hi everyone! Alot going on here as I'm sure with all of you also...I'm doing alot of marathon stitching and staying up til about 5 am...Yep! I can get alot done in the quiet hrs of the night/morning when everyone is asleep...Thank goodness I have a 5 year old that has always been a late sleeper...

I wanted to pop in and share my number of ***********39***********and no, it isn't my birthday..As of today i have lost 39 pounds....Yeah!!!

Until next time!!! BIG HUGS, Jen


Penny said...

Hurray for you, Jen!! Great job losing 39 lbs!
I have become quite an insomniac myself.... and am up until the wee hours. I should try to be productive during those hours as you are, but I usually just end up laying on the couch watching t.v. Do you find that once you do fall asleep, you want to stay in bed until noon??!! Ugh!

marly said...

Congratulations! I just joined WW online but haven't had the time to check out points and plans yet! Love that fabric in the photo.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Congrats on 39lbs! That's awesome! I would love to stay up that late/early? but all my kids are early risers:)

basketsnprims said...

Congratulations Jen on such a weight loss! I love to stay up late and stitch too, when it's so quiet I get alot done. I've been so busy outside though in the gardens I'm running behind, pooped at night and going to bed about 1am. Have a lovely summer my friend and give me a call one of these days.
hugs ~

Earlene said...

Congrats Jenn..I bet your feeling better.
Love your blue fabrics.

Tina said...

Oh Wow! That is just FANTASTIC!!!!! Congratulations on an outstanding achievement!!!!

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Congratulations Jen!!!
Your go girl!
Prim Blessings

Trace4J said...

I bet you feel just wonderful.
So happy for you.


Primitive Memories said...

Hi there! I enjoy reading your blog and so love your creations! I was reading some of your past post and see that you make primitive boxes. I am looking for where I could buy craft boxes wholesale. I was wondering if you would mind telling me where you bought your craft boxes from. Thank you! Hope you enjoy your day! Heather

~Judy~ said...

Big congrats on the weight loss, Jen! I'm guessing you have been getting lots of new clothes for that new body!!!

hugs, Judy

Linda, NE Iowa said...

Thirty-nine pounds is fantastic! Keep up the good work!
Can you please tell me if the blue fabric is old or new and where you find all the beautiful blue fabric.

Laura Violet said...

I really LOVE these fabrics! I really love your stump dolls and EVERYTHING is on your amazing blog *.*
Hugs! :)))

Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

Congrat's! I really need to focus on my weight loss but have just been consumed by other things. I'm actually hiding in the bedroom so my littlest will go to sleep for her nap so I can do some sewing. That fabric is GORGEOUS - is that old fabric or reproduction? How beautiful!

Jeanne said...

Congrats on the weight loss! I wish I had half your energy...staying up until 5am!!! Can't wait to see what you're stitching up.

Susannah said...

Oh, Jen....that is absolutely fabulous!!!!!!

Pendleton Primitives said...

39lb loss! Woo hoo!

Elisha said...

I kinda wish I could have the stamina to stay up that long to get things done! I would have a VERY clean and organized home! You impress me. Also ... that is AWESOME that you have lost that much! kinda motivates ya to keep going huh? Does me anyways... I just wanted the last 5# gone of baby weight and now Im shooting for 10# :)

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