July 12, 2012

Hi Ya'll....I went through some things today I've had laying on my sewing table for a while and sewed them up to add to my Simple Goodes selling blog....I just finished adding them and I added travel faire in the prices.

I hope everyone is staying cool in these terrible temps...I can't wait for Autumn!!!!! School starts back here August 7th...UGH! I dread it since my baby is starting kindergarten and he will be at "big school" all day...I keep telling myself that I will get more done...ha! We'll see!!

Until next time~~hugs, Jen


Trace4J said...

Oh I am doing the Fall count down too. Beautiful things Friend


Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Ooh....pretty samplers! Love those!

I'm with you on fall! We've had some really hot temps. I want the rewards from our garden then I'm ready for everything about fall...my favorite time of year! :)

Have a great day!


My Colonial Home said...

Hello Missy Jen....how are you doing.
I do know that the heat bothers you like it does me....once my core temp rises it does not go back down for hours and I suffer...so you are not alone kiddo.

Oh my goodness Luke will go all day - what will you do with all your time. Just look at all you accomplish now...IMAGINE HOW IT WILL BE...lol

Love your new (finished) pillow/tucks.


Merry Wind Farm said...

Hi, Jen,
Love your little peacock pillow...so cute! I too am anxiously awaiting fall, it can't come too soon. I have had enough of this terrible summer. Kindergarten will be hard for you at first, but you'll quickly adjust to having a life of your own again. I can still remember my son's first day, all the other little kids were hanging onto their mommy's hands, and Evan just walks up to the door by himself, confidently, and turns around and waves his arms at us to say "go away, I'm fine!"


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