July 23, 2012

Ten years ago, on this day I was at the hospital recovering from surgery~ A simple procedure to remove a lump in my thyroid~I woke up and saw my husband sitting beside me with his head in his hands crying~ I thought he was relieved it was over and then i drifted back to sleep~ cancer was found and my husband and parents were told 6 months to a year survival~ I wasn't told til 2 days later and my journey began~How do you wrap your mind around that news? What do you do? What do you say?~the look on your husband's face~the tears in my momma's eyes~hearing my daddy cry~my siblings sitting with me and making me laugh~having to tell Taylor ( my 12 yr old)~~family coming~family leaving and the quiet almost unbearable~more tests~ 2nd opinion~another surgery~chemo~no hair~Tim reading the Bible to me because the chemo affected my eyesight~every morning Tim would lay his hand on my face and pray before he left every morning~momma traveling to sit with me and sitting up to all hrs when I was in pain from the chemo~my sweet cousin, Carole coming to spend time with me along with my best friend since 7th grade, JoAnn~radiation~lost my voice and didn't know if it would come back~GOD blessed me with special people all the way~And when I was alone GOD was there with me~HE gave me piece that ONLY HE CAN GIVE~HE had other plans for me~Ten years later I have my 5 yr old, Luke~ I got to turn the milestone age of 40 and this year I will turn 46~I can speak and sing even though I still only have 1 workable vocal cord~the other is still paralyzed~GOD allowed me to be able to sing and hum to my baby boy when he was born~My heart is so full and my thoughts are jumbled~I'm just soooooooooooo thankful to be here today with the friends, family, and life I have~I'm so thankful for GOD'S grace and mercy...

I've always said "No one wants cancer, but I was blessed in so many ways that in my experience I'm humbled that I walked that journey at that time in my life as bad as it was"~But as bad as it was there was alot of laughter, heartfelt times, and love~ It made me the person I am today whether good or bad~It made life sweeter......That view of life is a true gift from GOD that i wish I could just gift everyone I come in contact with a piece of....

I'm thankful for you that come on here to read my ramblings...I'm so thankful that you visit...GOD has blessed me in ways words I cannot express~ I'm so BLESSED!!! Today, I celebrate being a 10 year cancer survivor!!!!!


Trace4J said...

What a wonderful post.
So happy for you!
God is Great!
Yipppeee for you.
Hugs & JOY


Elisha said...

amazing!! We have a neat christian gal in our small town that was given 6 months with pancreatic CA... she is is REMISSION TODAY! a walking miracle of the Lord if you ask me! God is good.

BumbleBeeLane said...

Wonderful Post.My dad just went through it and a few weeks ago his test came back cancer free.He will have to live with a colostomy bag the rest of his life but we and he are so thankful to be given the gift.Sometimes God has other plans and apparantly yours weren't finshed.Maybe he just needed a little extra light to shine through you.Warm Blessings!~Amy

Penny said...

Wonderful story of God's blessings!
Woo-Hoo for being a 10-year survivor!!

Anonymous said...

God is almighty in his love for us even when we in our human nature doubt him. Thank you for sharing. I needed to hear an uplifting account (not story) of God's perfect wisdom and plans. The last couple of weeks have been servere days in the valley of doubts and why's for me but while being here I think of His words of love and companionship that we will not go times like this alone. Your sharing gives me vision and comfort that, yes, I am not alone...He is here with me in the form of the Holy Spirit.
God Bless you and all your family and friends this day and for all your days to come here on this earth. Don't stop sharing, we all need it.

~Sara said...

What a wonderful story. We don't always get to hear positive stories. Thank you so much for sharing!You are blessed and you are a blessing to others.It kinda puts everything into perspective today.Thank yo Lord! Warm Blessings~Sara

Susannah said...

God did certainly bless you, Jen! I am so happy for you ...and your family.

Anonymous said...

What an inspirational story..I enjoy reading your posts and so enjoy your blog..You truly are blessed..

Earlene said...

You are a fighter and very very blessed!


Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

You are blessed indeed! My mama is a 6 year breast cancer survivor! To God be the glory! :)


Unknown said...

You are a very courageous & strong - God Bless:)

marly said...

Congratulations! Good thing you didn't believe them and give up. You are truly blessed!

Linda said...

Jen, so glad that you shared your story. You are an inspiration to me. God bless you and your sweet family.

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

What a milestone--we have both happy, thankful cancer stories and sad painful losses.

Have learned to appreciate life one day at a time.

Peggy Lee said...

"Great is Thy faithfulness...
morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided.
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me"

Stitching a piece with this hymn on it. Do you know it?
Thank you for sharing. You are an inspiration to many.


Merry Wind Farm said...

What an uplifting story, congratulations on your anniversary and wishing you many, many more! I have been there, on the other side of the coin, where you husband was. When I was 35 with a one yr old baby, my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer. I can remember that day so well...shock, and feeling life my life was over.My husband, who was given one yr to live, survived for 15 years and was able to see his son grow up. Keep up the good fight!

Wendy/TheCozyYellowHouse said...

PTL!! God is so GOOD, its amazing what our God can do, when the world says no our GOD says Yes!!! What a Testimony!! God Blesses those who are Faithful! Thank you for sharing your Testimony with us!!!

Ada Plouvier-Kopitopoulou said...

Congratulations! God and faith can move mountains! Thanks for sharing your story, it's very uplifting.

Raymond Homestead said...

Wow, that is totally amazing! You are certainly an inspiration!

Simply Shelley said...

Praise the Lord...what a wonderful testimony...God is able...indeed. You are very blessed...thank God for your miracle....thanks so much for sharing your story. How encouraging it will be to all you read this post.

Morning Glory Vintage Prims said...

God is awesome and he is the ulimate healer. So happy for you. God has plans for you. Blessings, Dena

Jean Barker said...

Truly an inspiration! Wishing many more years to come!

denise said...

god is good! you go,girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!denise

countrybecky said...

This is the first time I'm visiting your web-site(blog-spot) I was feeling really down and having a bit of a pity-party. Then I read your blog~~~~~ Thank-you for makign me realize how good I have it, and that in the darkest of hour His answer echoes clear. God Bless you!Becky

Jody said...

And may God continue to richly bless you for many many more years to come..So happy for you!

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Such a wonderful post ~ Congrats to you ~ you are so blessed
Prim Blessings

Beehive Needleworks said...

Such a heartfelt post...thank you for sharing your story of faith and strength. I wish you fine health and much happiness always.
Most warmly,

Moonpie primitives said...

All I can say is thanks for sharing...
I too am so thankful for God's hand in my life..You made my day...
Thanks a bunch.

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Congratulations! Continue to be well.

Tansy Annie Studio said...

Soooo Happy for you!!!! You are an inspiration! Keep spreading "The Good News of God's Love"!!! Prayers do work!
Thank you for sharing! And here's to another 10 years cancer free!!!
Vicky, Tansy Annie Studio

Jenny said...

Wonderful story,Jen. Each day is a true blessing!

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

Wow Jen, what a powerful testimony God has blessed you with!! I think it's awesome that you are sharing your story... just what He wants you to do so you can encourage others. You are truly blessed!

*Kountry*Porch*Primitives* said...

Wow...amazing. I am so happy for you and your family that you had such a great outcome. Best wishes as you make your journey through the next ten+ years!!!! ~Kriss~

Sebrina said...

You are blessed indeed. Thank you for sharing your blessings..I truely do enjoy coming to your blog and reading.

God Bless,

TeresaM said...

Jennifer!! I had no idea! You are such an inspiration. I'm a little late here but happy 10 year anniversary!

Josephine's Girl said...

It the first time I've read your blog -- what a blessing your post is. Thank you for your sweet, encouraging,faith-filled words.

Simple Living said...

We do have something in common, I too am a cancer survivor for 9 years this December and my story is very similiar to yours Jennifer.
God did bless us more than once!

bettyj said...

Jen, I had chills after I read this.I think I read on fB but had not read your whole blog. Cancer brings us to our knees. When Amanda was diagnosed it made me closer to God, because I had to depend on him, she was.Thank God for your recovery, your son, and for the lives you have touched with your stitching.I think it could be said you are stitching for God. God bless you and may He keep you cancer free.

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