September 17, 2012

What a busy morning it has been here....Yes, Mondays are that way, but I love them so....It allows us to begin another week and plan out all the things that need to be done...So, I've been busy working in the house along with laundry, mopping,etc...

I also sat down and wrote about myself...Not one of my favorite things to do...I mean, where do you I had been delaying getting back to Jennifer  when she emailed me last week....She had asked for Christmas pics of my home back in the spring or summer of 2011 and after last Christmas I sent her a bunch...Her Fall issue sold out and I was lucky enough to get one, so now she and her staff are preparing for the Christmas issue...I don't know who all is going to be in it, but it will be wonderful and a must have....So, go on over and check her site out...

I want to thank everyone that messaged me and left messages with words of encouragement for our family heartache....It means to the world to me!!!

No Fall decorating here yet!! I haven't event gotten any totes out yet...(The pic above is from several years ago) I've been waiting for the feeling...Ya know, the Fall feeling...We have had some mornings with cooler temps for a few hrs then the temps go back up in the 80's and 90's....And even a few days the temps haven't been as bad as they could have been in the south....I've been watching for the signs...One sign is Fall produce at Walmart...Last Thursday I saw it for the first time....Indian corn, gourds, mini pumpkins,etc.....I even saw some candy corn....Now, lets face it if I wait for the Fall temps I might be waiting til November....But I'm still not ready....I might get a tote out and look through it....But in the south it still isn't Fall yet for me.....

DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!!! As of this morning my scales said i have officially lost 46 pounds...So, yes! I did the happy dance at 6 am this morning... :)

I'm also working on some new offerings and hope to have some on my selling blog before the week is out...I will let you know ahead of time...

Well, I'm off to get some more things done....I hope you all are having a wonderful Monday!! Every new day is a gift from God!

Hugs, Jen


Pamela@ The Sampler Makers Farmhouse said...

They sell gourds at your walmart?? really?
Yes, the temperatures are still so warm, but I am trying to get reagy a little early- and for me that is rare lol, congrats on your weight loss!

prims by olde lady morgan said...

Jen, WOW! Congrats ont he loss of 46 pounds!!! and congrats on the upcomign magazine feature too! OLM

Unknown said...

Wow way to go Jen I am waiting for the before and after photos of you. Congralations and I pray your diabetis is better, love ya girl

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the weight loss..
I hope ya decorate soon for fall because I love your pictures of your home..
Have a wonderful day..
Oh yeah congrats on the upcoming magazine feature..

Simply Shelley said...

Congrats on your weight loss...I know what it feels like to look down and see pounds have gone...I have had a weight problem all my life and am once again on a journey to lose weight....I must lose because the weight,and arthritis has effected my mobility in a huge way. We are just now getting some much cooler temps,and the leaves are really starting to fall. When you get the decorating bug,have a good time with it...light a spicy smelling candle,and decorate away :) Your home is so worthy of a magazine lay out. Congratulations on that...blessings

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