December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas from the Gass family!!! I hope you had a day of laughter, peace, and love......:)


My Colonial Home said...

Merry Christmas Jen!
What a wonderful family picture. You have a beautiful family and Jen...I love your hair short like that. Very becoming.

ctlogcabin said...

Merry Christmas Jen ~~
Beautiful Family, hope your
day was Perfect.
I too love your short hair.
Blessings & Hugs ~ Connie xox

Janet-Olde Crow Primitives said...

Merry Christmas Jen.
That is a beautiful family picture.
All the best for 2013!

Penny said...

Such a beautiful family photo... I hope your Christmas was wonderful, and I wish you a happy, healthy new year!

nathalie-poppy said...

Hi Jen,
merry Christmas to you ...
Beautiful family,
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas...
I wish you a happy and healthy New Year too ..

Susannah said...

You look so pretty, Jen. That is an amazing family picture. Wishing you all the best in 2013.

~Sara said...

What a wonderful family photo.
Hope that you enjoyed your Christmas! Blessings for
an awesome new year.

Anonymous said...

MeRrY ChRiStMaS..
HaPpY NeW YeAr..

Sandra said...

So happy you had a wonderful vacation! Your family picture is perfect.
Many Happy Stitches,
Homespun Elegance

bettyj said...

What a beautiful picture. Your hair looks so pretty.

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