January 26, 2013

Saturday Cooking....

 What is everyone up to today? I'm making comfort food... Homemade Chicken and Dressing...I made this recipe for Thanksgiving and we loved it! It takes a bit of time to get the ingredients all ready, but then you just mix everything and put in the crock pot on low for 3 to 4 hrs...I love a moist dressing and this one is...Oh, I use a rotisserie chicken for mine...So much easier!

Do men understand? ha!ha! When I was in the kitchen photographing my cornbread and crockpot, Tim asks "Jenny, why are you taking pictures of dinner?" Well, it seems kind of dumb when you ask me and I have to explain..lol...Taylor just rolls her eyes and says "Dad, she is a blogger!"..I had decided I was going to posts alot more this year after Taylor fussed that i didn't last year...So, my posts might not seem exciting, but it is my life..:)

I hope you're having a wonderful day...I'm off to find something else to do and stitching tonight...

From the Farmhouse~~hugs, Jen


My Maine Blog said...

This looks absolutely yummy....I think I'm going to have to try this. I think my hubby is really going to like this one. I love getting all these new recipes to try since starting my blog. A whole new world has opened up to me. Thanks for sharing.

taylors*farmhouse*attic said...

I just snuck a big spoonful out of the crockpot! OH YUM YUM!!! Serving with green beans!

Robin Leuschen said...

Looks DEEE-LICIOUS !!! I've been on a binge cooking alot on the weekends ( I usually have alot of Grandkids here, though)... Today I've made Homemade Mac n Cheese, and then a big pot of chili ( crockpot)...I like having leftovers during the week for hubby's lunches... :)
Have a great weekend !

Unknown said...

Hi Jen, I made a big pot of chili and it was mighty tasty too, but I will have to try your chicken and dressing!!!! If you read my blog post on Thursday (I think) you will see "my life", pretty run of the mill too...lol.....take care

cucki said...

have a happy sunday dear..
enjoy xx

Anonymous said...

It looks delicious..I actually showed my husband (tell your family that one..lol)...Off to store to get items to make chicken soup today..He thanks you..Have a wonderful day..

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

now THAT looks like comfort food for sure my friend ~ I'll bet your cozy farmhouse smells like heaven today ")
thank you for the recipe too!
Blessed be,

My Colonial Home said...

Ok Jen...too funny, I USED to get that but now Doug sometimes will ask if I want pictures first...LOL
I for one am DELIGHTED that you will be posting more...I've missed you!

Dan said...

Looks wonderful! I hope you have a great week!


Pamela@ The Sampler Makers Farmhouse said...

I'm thinking I might get a crock pot...I think it might help, as with the pain I have I still find making supper exhausting...I would love to just throw everything in the pot and have it cooked by suppertime!
Wishing you a lovely week,

Henry said...

I wanted to thank you for this excellent read!! I definitely loved every little bit of it. I have you bookmarked your site to check out the new stuff you post.

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