January 8, 2013

Well, today is officially the first day back from Christmas vacation...Luke and I started back our routine on his second half of his year of kindergarten.. I can't believe the year is half over already....Tim went back to work last Wednesday after 2 1/2 weeks off...Taylor starts back this week on her last semester before her graduation in May with a graphic arts degree....And i have been stitching some new samplers to hopefully get on my selling blog tomorrow....

I really really reaaaaaallllllllyyyyy needed this vacation time...Now, when i say vacation time that doesn't mean vacation from everything...I was explaining this to my dad yesterday...When I say vacation time I mean not having to go anywhere, no schedules, getting to work on samplers, lots of family time, and movie hang out time...There is ALWAYS work for a mom...I granted myself permission to not have to make the perfect Christmas this year with my decorating...I was tired after working on the house all this time since October starting with the floor demolition and the house demolition that it leads to...My decorating was minimal this year and took all of 30 minutes to take down.....I stayed off the computer alot and I think my battery is recharged for this new year now...I think...:)

I didn't get any of the Christmas offerings made that I had planned to offer to you...So, I may do some throughout the year this year instead of waiting for next Christmas...I've been working on some samplers designed by Stacy Nash the past week...I had so many things planned, but time just got away from me...

I'm looking forward to getting back into a routine and I'm looking forward to the gorgeous temps we will be having this week...By the weekend it will be 76 here in Georgia!

Until next time~~hugs, Jen


Pamela@ The Sampler Makers Farmhouse said...

Can't wait to see your latest offerings :) I have been checking your selling blog out everyday! We all need a break, and sometimes simple Christmases are the most enjoyable :)

Henry said...

I wanted to thank you for this excellent read!! I definitely loved every little bit of it. I have you bookmarked your site to check out the new stuff you post.

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