March 6, 2013

What'cha Working On Wednesday????

 Well, I'm working at my work table today...I always have unfinished projects on here it seems...I even managed to sew myself a few things today...
And then as I was taking pics, I realized I haven't shown you my wood floors yet..Duh! Did life gets so busy i forgot??? So, I will plan on taking some pics and doing a post soon on my floors...
Sweet Lucy Blue says "hi there!"...She is busy keeping me company...

I have been away due to everyone being sick, starting with me...We weathered 2 bomb threats at Luke's school...Lots of emotions with Little Rob's case....And on Tim's side of the family we received news we weren't wanting to hear....Life has been hectic and I've been away from the computer...We get curve balls in life sometimes, but we focus on all of God's blessings and carry on the best we can...Surround yourself with what you love and all that love you!! So, as I deal with emotions now I hug my family and I create....

I promise not to be gone as long!!

From the farmhouse!!~~hugs, Jen  


Green Creek Primitives said...

Hi Jen, Love your new floors, really nice. I know if life would just stand still long enough, just need to focus on the goods things that come our way and find a way to get through all the rest. Happy creating, love your needlework. Hugs Vicky

Barbara said...

Oooohhh, the floors. Was wondering when you would share...LOL
Many Blessings wished for you as you go through your emotional journey...

My Colonial Home said...

Hi Jen,
I read your current post first and then this nice to see you back here sweetie!
We miss you in blogland!!! You always have such inspiration with your talents, your home and also your deep faith.
I pray things will clear up soon in every aspect.
LOOOOVE your floor.
It quite honestly looks just like our dining room floor. Our's is a Shaw product...what's yours.

Oh kitty looks so comfortable on that pile of work....Lola always kept me company - I miss that so much.


Elisha said...

Your wood floors... DROOL. Your pin cushions are just cute cute cute

taylors*farmhouse*attic said...

I was going to Take some pics of the floor today, but after grocery shopping I need to get other things done...Hopefully tomorrow or next week....:)

taylors*farmhouse*attic said...

Oh, Karen! I have meant to message you a million times...So good to hear from you my friend!I will email you soon!

A Primitive Homestead said...

Your wood floor is beautiful. So sorry to here your family received news not expected. We shouldn't have to fear bomb threats in our schools. I know the pain and stress your family is going through. It's been 8month this week since my son was killed. Police calls visits to the station and attorney. My heart goes out to Robs parents you and your family. Lovely stitched smallest. small lifting you all in prayer. Blessings! Lara

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