April 26, 2013

The house was so quiet last night...Everyone was caught up in their own thoughts....I spent wayyyyyyy too much time on the computer reading comments from the media and Cartersville paper.....For my long time followers, i have shared little Rob with you...For my new followers Little Rob is my nephew...He was shot and killed December 29, 2010....What was called an accident in the beginning took on a life of itself as the case was closed within 24 hrs....The mourning and living without him began....Then received personal affects~found text messages that detectives didn't even look at~autopsy ruled homocide~stories changed~this happened~that happened~ Well, WHAT DID HAPPEN????~~ALL my family has wanted from the beginning is for it to be investigated thoroughly and honestly...Nothing more than any family would want...From the beginning the sherriffs office were defensive, wouldn't return phone calls, wouldn't talk to my brother and sister-in-law....WHY? WHY wouldn't you reach out to the grieving family and answer their questions?....That is why this has gotten this far....Then we found out that the case was never turned over...Kind of like it never existed...My brother was told that Little Rob's was a "political football"...No one wanted to touch it.....Something was going on that day....Wouldn't any parent want to know?

Sometimes i feel like we are watching a movie in the front seat....But, oh no! No movie! Real life!

So, this is where we are 2 yrs and 4 months later....I'm sooooooooo THANKFUL we live away from it and my children aren't surrounded by all the ugliness that is going on...People have opinions and aren't afraid to give it...Really easy when you are talking about someone elses life and not yours....When your heart isn't feeling the loss and pain...

I try not to say anything except behind my closed doors...I pray ALOT for guidance...I struggle...BUT, I'm a mother and with all the feelings that go with that for my children, nieces, nephews....

I'm sorry if anything is mispelled or written wrong in this post...I'm not even going to go back and reread...I do want to share this one last picture of Little Rob that was taken the last day i saw him before Christmas 2010... 

His life mattered...He didn't deserve to be treated like he didn't matter....I wouldn't want any other family treated like this when they just want answers! 


Mary said...

I am so sorry to read of this, I thought is was a tragic accident. Hard to accept but this is outrageous. My thoughts are with your family, and hope for some answers.

Sandra said...

My heart broke for you and your family in 2010 and it still does.
I am so sorry that you are having to endure this mistreatment. So wrong on so many levels.
Homespun Elegance

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

So many feelings, hope your family is able to find resolution

TheCrankyCrow said...

I knew you had experienced a horrendous loss, but never knew any of the details....and it sounds like, on many levels, you and your family don't either. That is truly tragic and wrong. I do understand that "knowing" won't bring him back - but what parent or loved one wouldn't want to know? I empathize with your grief and sadness - but, I dare not let myself "imagine" what it must be like - I cannot, nor do I want to ever know that sort of pain. You and your family will be in my prayers. Hugs ~ Robin

Susannah said...

Sounds mighty fishy to me...why on earth would the police not probe into this. If he were my son...I WOULD WANT TO KNOW ALL OF THE FACTS....so I could go on.


bayrayschild said...

I just welt up reading this post.
What a beautiful boy. He most certainly matters and I wish you and your family had the answers you needed so that you could begin settle your minds about the "what and why" this tragedy happened.

Hugs and blessings.

DianeM said...

I am so sorry that you and your family have to go through all this. Rob looks like such a sweetheart. Prayers being sent your way for strength and resolution <3
Love, DianeM

From Sherry's Heart said...

Jen,when this happened and you posted about it on your blog,I stared at his picture and thought,what a handsome boy,such a needless loss. Then I cried and prayed for him and his whole family left behind. I can understand and relate so well to the feelings that you all have because for the last year and 10 months I too have been going through all those very same feelings about my husband's death.His Dr.'s killed him. I too have proof of things that were done to him for those 6 weeks in ICU. Even things that I shouldn't know,told to me by his ICU nurses because they new what was going on.I have talked to 2 lawyers about suing.They each told me that they're not saying that I don't have a case,but that they're not willing to put out the money for the experts that they'd have to call because they feel his doctors and the hospital would fight and say that he was sick anyway.So he's not worth the trouble??? Please keep fighting for the justice that is due to you all.I only have 2 months left to fight because then it will be 2 years and the time for filing suit will be over. Please don't give up and I will pray.

My Colonial Home said...

Hi Jen,
I am just in awe that this wasn't carried further...normally things like this are worked into the ground...no stone unturned. Just can't imagine how they could consider it 'just an accident' especially with all the un-disclosed information.
I pray for your family Jen...and for you too...I know how hard this has been for you.
Big hugs,

prims by olde lady morgan said...


I only hope and prayer your family gets the answers it DESERVES! It's such a horrible loss and not to be given answers is a crime!!! hugs! OLM

A Primitive Homestead said...

I have followed your blog since you were in Country Sampler. It was shocking when I read your posts about losing Rob. I was saddened for you your family and his parents. I know the tragic experience losing a precious child. May will be ten months since I lost my son. I can't wrap my mind around how it dose not matter to others a precious child has been lost. I have experienced similar things with emergency responders police department coroner funeral director. Everyone's story is different. The case was closed. closed. Our attorney will not continue the case. I tried to retrace my sons and friends hours before his death. I gave the information to the trooper who said he could not be chasing every little thing. He told me you may never get answers and even if you do or not the end result won't change your son is still dead. He could not understand it matters to me. I loved cared and protected my son for almost 18 years and the nine months I carried him. What I was told he wanted he would go over the report show me photos of the car but not my sons body. I was told to get all my questions asked because he did not want to keep going over everything because it was not pleasant for him to see the photos either. What Kind of world do we live in I question. Prayers for all of you. Blessings!

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