December 10, 2013

Our elf, Otis.....

I have been having a lot of fun with our elf, Otis.....I knew it was just a matter of time before he got into my x-stitch thread....I keep my thread in envelopes...It's amazing that he got into mischief last night after making a trip to the north pole to deliver Luke's letter and back before Luke got up this


Sara said...

Love him!

Julie - My Primitive Heart said...

So cute!! Love the flour accident! Made me laugh!
Thanks for the smile!

Simply Quaint said...

Isn't he fun... My grandchildren have two a boy henry and a girl pixie...
Love your home and holiday decorations

Raymond Homestead said...

What fun! Cute post!

Julie said...

Oh that is just gorgeous & so priceless Jen. Made me laugh so loudly - I bought my hubby in to show him & he laughed also :-)
I especially love the "sorry" in the flour.
Thanks so much for that. x0x

Earlene said...

That is cute!!! so much fun!!!
LOL at the taped hands and mouth!!!!
Merry Christmas

Margs Primitive Quilts said...

Your cute little elf just brings out the "kid" in all of us.. so adorable and mischievious too !!

Prims By The Water said...

What a mischievious little elf. Mine is not that bad...yet. LOL Janice

ctlogcabin said...

LOL Jen !!
I commented in your latest Post,
before I saw this one on Otis.
What a Creative, Imp he is.
I bet Luke is just Loving this each day.
The Magic of Childhood Christmas.
EnJoy My Friend !!! XOXOX

Carol Roll said...

Love this! So Cute!

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