December 6, 2013

Kitchen/Work Area.......

Working in my kitchen/work area this evening...I'm heading out to haul in garlands as soon as Tim heads off to bed...I think this mantle just needs a bit of greenery and it will be enough...I decorated my tree this year with only 1 strand of white lights, red fabric covered balls, real candle canes, dried orange slices, a few wax ornaments, and a few black and gray baskets...Totally different then years past...Off to see what else i can get done tonight...

I will re-post my final pics...I just wanted to share my Christmas journey with you....

From the Farmhouse~~hugs, Jen


Primitive Stars said...

Prim pefect over at your cozy home, love the tree, Blessings Francine.

Melissa said...

I love it!! :-) It is so beautiful and cozy looking.. I can't wait to see more pictures.. Have a wonderful day! Hugs~Melissa

Unknown said...

Wonderful atmosphere and I love your real candle canes!!

Raymond Homestead said...

Your home is decorated up so cozy and I so love your header picture!

Penny said...

Everything is so lovely.... you did a great-looking tree...I love the primness of it. The runner in your header pic is fabulous, too!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

ctlogcabin said...

Jen ~~ So Warm, Cozy & Inviting.
I could sit for hours ..
in this room.
Love the Tree !!!!
Blessings & Hugs ~~ xox

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

snug & cozy! love it all my Friend ~
Merry Christmas!

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