I went to get Taylor today over at the campus after her morning classes...As I was pulling in I saw a sign that read "POTTERY SALE"....Oh, now I was going to ignore that, but when Taylor got in the car she told me the ceramic class was having a sale and she thought I might like some of it...Oh, now why did she have to say that!?!?!?....That meant that I HAD to go check it out and especially since she said they had a $5 section....So I go over to the big tent and the first big piece I pick up was $2.00....Oh my goodness!!..I had to double check that price...The girl said there was a crack in the bottom...Well, yes there was, but the piece was beautiful and very sturdy...When she asked me if I wanted her to put it back I said "YES" quite quickly...Then the second blue piece I picked up was $2.00 also...I saw some dark brown pieces that were shaped like old crocks, but they had a shine to them...But I looked on down the many tables..Taylor called me twice to see if I was getting any..HA!...I found many pieces that I liked, but I had only $15 dollars with me....So in the end I got two more pieces that were $5.00 each...One of the $5 pieces is a good size piece also and I like the shape... Instead of it being perfectly round two sides had turned in some..So that made it go in the $5 section....I also found a small brown/mustard colored one...It looked like an antique piece with it's rough texture and color....So I guess what they considered imperfect was my gain today....I got all 4 pieces for $14....I think they will fit in with my Beaumont, Saltglaze, and Bennington pottery just fine...And they have the sale at the end of every semester!!!..Aren't they pretty!

The $2 pieces are on the right...I'm thinking they will be really pretty with some greenery for Christmas..And they will still be there on Friday,too...Might have to check some more out!!
So it's Watcha Working on Wednesday...As you already know I'm working on my Christmas decorating...I would like to have it completed by Thanksgiving...Usually I don't get it out and start til the day after Thanksgiving, but I have been so busy since school started in August with running Taylor between school, sorority stuff, orthodonist appts., and her work schedule that I want to relax some during the Thanksgiving weekend since Tim is off all week using vacation days...Well, as much as us mothers are allowed to rest..HA!...And I sure don't want the house tore apart with Christmas stuff....
I've also been working on getting some swaps and some personal pieces finished..I stacked them all together by my chair to get the backs stitched up and finished...
Then I pulled out a bunch of my boxes that I wasn't using to see how many sets I have....
What a deal on that pottery! Love those pieces. U can send some of those boxes my way,LOL! All those pillows, U have been a busy girl!!
I am in love with that pottery! And what a steal!
Good Morning Jen, I love each of the pottery pieces you have picked out...they will look so good with the other things you have. I also have to tell you once again how much I admire your cross stitch work...you are very talented my friend! I pray that Luke's appointment goes well and that he will have no reaction to his shots. Sometimes shots are rough on little ones. I can't wait to see your new home decorated for Christmas...I know it will be just beautiful! Have a very blessed day! pam
The pottery pieces are just beautiful! I'm still kicking myself because I left a beautiful blue bowl at the TS one day and it was only $2! GRRR!
I love the boxes. They are so pretty and prim.
My lands you have been busy with the stitching. I feel like such a bum!
Have a wonderful day!
Jen, Do you have more hours in the day than the rest of us?!?! WOW! You are busy. Everything is just beautiful as always.
Love the pottery and just great prices on everything that you purchased.
You sure do alot of cross stitch and everything is always so beautiful:)
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