June 20, 2010

Dedicated to ALL cancer patients and survivors!!

I've had this song on my blog for over a year now and it is one of my favorites!!!!...I get so many emails about it and thought I'd share the video....I like to sit in a quiet room and turn the volume up as loud as I can and listen to it....


Anonymous said...

Beautiful song, thanks for sharing.


prims by olde lady morgan said...

I have come to love this song! It was playing last week at home depot, I wouldn't leave til it was done! OLM

Anonymous said...

I love that song!!! I found your blog around the time my youngest grandson was born and i would come over and visit him and read your blog...now, he at the age of 3 months, loves the song!!!! he perks up when he hears it!!!

Dan said...

Wonderful song! Thank you for sharing it with us! I hope you have a great week!


country cottage said...

I love this song too. I come to your blog and listen to it over and over. Thanks for sharing the video with us.