I was going through some pictures and noticed i hadn't shared these from last October when we were visiting family in Trenton, Georgia....While there, we went to see Tim's Aunt Louise....Louise's house is THE HOUSE that got me into primitive/country decorating back in the early 90's....Wood plank flooring, paneled ceilings, stone fireplaces, furniture pieces with sinks inserted in them, pie safes, old quilts, etc.....Everything a country/primitive decorator would just melt at....The floors even squeak in places as you walk around....
These are pics of the house and front porch with wisteria vine growing all over it....Along with a pic of the property....Back behind it is the view of Lookout Mountain....Absolutely gorgeous in the fall...
Until next time~~Have a wonderful evening my friends!!!~~hugs, Jen
Wisteria and mountains...Oh my!!
Granny Trace
Whoa! You have a beautiful primitive home. I love it!
I would love to go sit on that porch and hook for a day :) thanks for sharing! Just beautiful...
I love it. That swing looks like the perfect summer spot for sitting drinking a glass of lemonade or better yet....napping!! Thanks for sharing the beautiful home.
Oh my! I can see how that beautiful home would get you into primitive decorating!! It is just gorgeous....
Oh what a wonderful home..love the quilt on the swinging seat..I sos so want a verander on my home..have a wonderful easter...hugs X
Dear Jen,
What a beautiful home your Aunt Louise has. No wonder she inspired you to go prim.
I am from CA. I did not know about Prim decor until I met Linda from Behind my red door. Now I feel like I missed out. I so enjoy seeing all of the beautiful Prim homes and decor.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving me words of encouragement. I was really down recently.I couldn't keep back the tears because I felt like I couldn't face the pain and the long road to recovery any longer..
I asked God to help me find new strength to face my recovery with smiles. I believe that God answered that prayer though my sweet blog friend Linda from Behind my red door... and you.
When I woke up the yesterday morning and I found that Linda had sent so many of her blog friends to cheer me up, I was amazed. My heart is really touched as I read the comments. How can I be sad when so many good people like you, who don't even know me, are praying for me and wishing me well.
I read and re-read the comments. They are an answer to my prayers. Thank you. You have helped me find my smile again.
I hope that you will drop by my blog again. I am happy to get to know you. Thank you for taking the time to brighten my day. Hugs, Lura
beautiful pictures!!
OOOOOOO how beautiful, no wonder it inspired you. Good luck with the destashing, declutter, organizing too!
Love it! I love the vine covered porch and that sweet wooden swing. The tin roof just makes the place and I can just imagine sitting on the swing looking out at that glorious view. I'd be visiting Tim's Aunt as often as I could!
So very pretty!!!
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