July 24, 2011

Too many pictures on blog?...Does it look too busy?....Would you like to have them in a slide show instead? Both Tim and Taylor have commented on it being too busy....Your thoughts?????


Janet-Olde Crow Primitives said...

I think it looks just fine Jen. I really love the look of your Blog.
We are getting hot temperatures just like you up here in Canada. It is too hot for me.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

LibbiesHome said...

I love all the pictures and would prefer it the way you have it instead of a slide show. I guess I like to see all of your prim perfect things at once!

Primitive Echoes said...

I like all the pictures as well. I like the slideshow idea also so I am of no help what so ever.

renee said...

I don't have trouble with it at all. I love your pictures, and looking at everything.Have a great Sunday!

*Kountry*Porch*Primitives* said...

Love it the way it is Jen. I really don't like slideshows, I prefer to have control over how long I want to look at something. Have a great Sunday! ~Kriss~

Kathy (woolfind) said...

It's warm and inviting to me. I would probably forget to look at the slideshow!

MJ Hunt said...

I personally like all the pics!!

prims by olde lady morgan said...

Jen, I love it! I don't think it's to busy... Fun to see at a glanceat times and slide show takes time to view, don't always have that.. OLM

TheCrankyCrow said...

I concur with the others who have commented before me - I don't think there's too much - for us "primmies," the more eye candy, the better! I personally, however, do not care for slide shows - I always miss them, or they don't load right, or they use of too much of my download allocation, etc. I wouldn't mess with a good thing! Have a great day! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Earlene said...

Jen I think it all looks great.I don't think it is too busy.
I got my Sampler yesterday and I love it. I am going out shopping today to find a frame.
Enjoy your day.

Raymond Homestead said...

I like the pictures. Personally I'm not a fan of slideshows. I always think your blog looks so inviting!

Jennie Lynn @ Appleseed Prim said...

I love all the pictures. It's like a feast for my eyes . . . really. Always something to look at.

hens teeth said...

I really enjoy visiting your blog and seeing all of your photos.
I have just changed my blog template, just to freshen a bit, made me feel happier with the look.

Karen ~ Life In A Primitive English Cottage said...

looks just fine and dandy to me Jen, as my mum always says "don't fix it if it ain't broken"

Penny said...

I agree with many of the other posters -- I am not a big fan of slide-shows. I like to take my time looking at pictures and savor everything..... your blog looks wonderful to me!
Have a great week ahead -- hope it cools down a bit for all of us!

Julie said...

I love it the way it is as I can spend ages with my face a couple of inches away from the screen just absorbing it all in for as long as I like !!! I cant do this with the slideshow. Keep up the great, inspiring work. :-) (julie - N.Z.)

grannyb said...


christina said...

Jenn~ there could never be too many pictures! Your pictures are awesome. I love seeing your wonderful prim home. I say keep it the way it is. Have a great week!

Pamela@ The Sampler Makers Farmhouse said...

Whatever- your decor is so so beautiful....Bigger pictures!!! To study LOL. Seriously.

Blessing Hill Primitives said...

I enjoy scrolling down the page, stopping to view photos and read posts and comments. It is like taking a walk down a special path and enjoying the beautiful sights along the way. Thank you for sharing.


Anonymous said...

I love your blog and your wonderful home. I follow all the time. I'm trying to get followers on my blogsite http://pioneeringspirit-priley.blogspot.com
Like you I love to decorate and change my home.

frontporchprims said...

Not too many. The pictures are fine. Your blog looks great.

Mary said...

Pictures make the blog go 'round. I much prefer pictures over slideshow as well. Only thought would be 2 column might simplify the look. But it's great with 3 column too.

Taryn said...

I love it and am really not a fan of slideshows. For one thing, they usually don't work on my ipad or iphone. I am on the go a lot so reading blogs is a fun way to fill what used to be wasted waiting time.