Oh, my! I'm still here!!!!....I apologize that I haven't been on here in so long...It has been crazy lately starting with the whole family being home the week of Thanksgiving with the exception of Taylor working...But she was out of school along with Luke all week and Tim had the week off from work also....A busy week and then I started preparing for the Christmas at the Old Depot in 96, SC.....I had 2 weeks to get things made....Then I was preparing for Taylor's 2nd surgery.....And the day before that I fell and hit my head HARD...I had to take a day of practically being still and doing as little as possible and then several days of moving slowly....I felt off for a week and had a really sore head with a huge knot on it...I still have part of one left, but not as sore...Needless to say it scared me!!!!! But I'm A OK now....:) And Taylor's surgery went smoothly this time and hopefully this was the last one...
I wanted to share some random pictures from the Christmas show this weekend with you....I think these are from Ann Kuehn's booth as I came in the train depot....
I have some last Christmas items I'm going to get listed on my selling blog hopefully this afternoon....I've gotten a few new orders the past few days that I'm working on to get mailed out...And trying to finish up my Christmas decorating....teacher's gifts, etc....LOVE this time of year...I think after Christmas I'm going to need a vacation...lol
I've missed you all and I hope you're having a fun time preparing for Christmas!!
~~hugs, Jen
First so glad to hear ya are ok and Taylor's surgery went well..Now when I scrolled down through those pictures I found so many things I could see in my own home..Beautifully prim..Have a great week..
Yikes - that sounds like one nasty fall. So glad you're ok - hope you get back to 100% soon. And also glad Taylor's surgery went smoothly....Wonderful photos of wonderful goodies. So wish we had access to something like that in these parts. Sigh....Ok - back to all the "to-do's!!" Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
Oh Jenn I'm sorry to hear about your fall but am glad that you are ok! Love the photos of the show!Love the baskets for the teachers that is such a good idea when you have some who dont like prims. Glad Taylors surgery went well. Sounds like you will need a vacation!! Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas!!
So glad you are ok. I just love the Log Cabin from your show! Is it still available for sale? If so, Email me at primtvegurl@yahoo.com. My mother has been looking for one forever. God Bless!
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